Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Smile can Lower Stress | Medindia:

Smile can Lower Stress | Medindia:

Smiling speeds recovery from stress, reveals study.Psychological scientists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas investigate the potential benefits of smiling by looking at how different types of smiling, and the awareness of smiling, affects individuals' ability to recover from episodes of stress.


World Breastfeeding Week - 2012 | Medindia:

 World Breastfeeding Week - 2012 | Medindia:

The ‘World Breastfeeding Week’ (WBW) is celebrated every year from 1st to 7th August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world.


Saturday, 28 July 2012

Drugs and Medical Specialty | Medindia

Drugs and Medical Specialty | Medindia

Prescription drugs classified by medical specialty.


Side Effects of Drugs | Medindia

Side Effects of Drugs | Medindia

A side effect is basically an unintended occurrence that results from taking a drug. A comprehensive list of possible side effects (adverse drug reactions) caused by prescription drugs.


Drug Price List - List of Generic Names in alphabetical order | Medindia

Drug Price List - List of Generic Names in alphabetical order | Medindia

 Find out the price of drugs. Compare prices of different brand names as the same generic drug can cost more or less depending on the the company manufacturing them. Also find out their full prescription information.


Neuromuscular Warm-Up Exercises Can Reduce Lower Limb Injuries in Young Sportspersons and Military Recruits | Medindia

High Anxiety Might Make You Age Faster | Medindia

High Anxiety Might Make You Age Faster | Medindia

 A new study claims that anxiety hastens aging in older people who suffer from phobic anxiety more than it does in calm people


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Causes of Hair Loss | Medindia

Causes of Hair Loss | Medindia

Here are a few reasons why your hair may be thinning or even falling out, both heavily and fast.


Celebrating Life: Positivity and Rejoicing | Medindia

Celebrating Life: Positivity and Rejoicing | Medindia

Life reflects dynamism, vitality, beauty and power. Life offers abundance. It regularly gives us a chance to enrich our experiences.


Girls With Early Childhood Trauma Resort to Smoking in Adulthood | Medindia

Girls With Early Childhood Trauma Resort to Smoking in Adulthood | Medindia

If children are exposed to adverse childhood experience (ACE) in early years, they become vulnerable to non-coping behaviors and may even have adjustment problems in future.


Cataract | Medindia

Cataract | Medindia

Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general info about Cataract


Cardiomyopathy - Dilated - Hypertrophic and Restrictive Types | Medindia

Cardiomyopathy - Dilated - Hypertrophic and Restrictive Types | Medindia

 Cardiomyopathy weakens the heart muscles and the heart loses strength to pump blood throughout the body. Treatment aims to improve symptoms and prevention complications.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-Causes-Signs-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prevention | Medindia

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-Causes-Signs-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prevention | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/carpal-tunnel-syndrome.htm Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition caused by increased pressure on the median nerve at the level of wrist.

Effect of Sleep Environment on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) | Medindia

Effect of Sleep Environment on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/news/healthwatch/effect-of-sleep-environment-on-sudden-infant-death-syndrome-sids-104645-1.htmSudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is characterized by death of an infant that is not explained by medical history and remains unexplained even after an autopsy.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Cat Scratch Disease - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment - Prognosis - FAQs | Medindia

Cat Scratch Disease - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment - Prognosis - FAQs | Medindia

 Cardiac markers are biomarkers which are measured to evaluate the function of heart. The test for troponin may be regarded as the most sensitive and specific test for myocardial


Cardiac Markers-Types- Indications-Cardiac Marker genes –Research-FAQs | Medindia

Cardiac Markers-Types- Indications-Cardiac Marker genes –Research-FAQs | Medindia

 Cardiac markers are biomarkers which are measured to evaluate the function of heart. The test for troponin may be regarded as the most sensitive and specific test for myocardial


Cardiac Catheterization | Medindia

Cardiac Catheterization | Medindia

 Cardiac catheterization is a radiological procedure for both diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions


Carcinoid Tumors - Carcinoid Syndrome - Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis & Treatment | Medindia

Carcinoid Tumors - Carcinoid Syndrome - Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis & Treatment | Medindia

 Carcinoid tumors is a benign tumor that results in carcinoid syndrome. Only 8 to 10% of all carcinoid tumors are associated with the carcinoid syndrome.


Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity | Medindia

Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity | Medindia

 Obesity is a global epidemic with majority of the world’s population in developed countries being over weight or obese!


Cannabis | Medindia

Cannabis | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/cannabis.htm# Cannabis has a long history of medicinal, recreational, and industrial use and comes from a bushy plant with thick sticky flowers called Cannabis Sativa

Sedentary Behavior and Less Fruit Intake are Hazardous for Health | Medindia

Sedentary Behavior and Less Fruit Intake are Hazardous for Health | Medindia

 The health of individuals at the workplace can be improved by introducing guidelines that advise against sedentary behavior and encourage fruit intake.


Food Diary Helps to Lose Weight | Medindia

Food Diary Helps to Lose Weight | Medindia

 Keeping a record of food eaten assisted in weight loss in women undergoing a weight-loss program.


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Quiz on High Cholesterol | Medindia

Quiz on High Cholesterol | Medindia

A high cholesterol level by itself does not cause any symptoms; symptoms arise from the complications of high cholesterol. Here is a quiz that will help to keep your knowledge on cholesterol up- to- date.


New Susceptibility Loci for Osteoarthritis Identified: A Genome-wide Association Study | Medindia

New Susceptibility Loci for Osteoarthritis Identified: A Genome-wide Association Study | Medindia

 Eight of eleven genetic sites (loci) with links to osteoarthritis development, in European patients, have been identified.


Endometrial Cancer - Overview | Medindia

Endometrial Cancer - Overview | Medindia

 Cancer of the Endometrium, or the inner lining of the uterus (womb) is called endometrial cancer


High Doses of Vitamin D Beneficial in Preventing Fractures | Medindia

High Doses of Vitamin D Beneficial in Preventing Fractures | Medindia

 Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of dietary phosphorus and calcium. This absorption influences the bone mineral density that is directly responsible for fractures and osteoporosis.


Monday, 23 July 2012

Adreno Cortical Carcinoma - Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

Adreno Cortical Carcinoma - Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

 Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare but aggressive form of cancer that affects the outer cortex  layer of the adrenals situated atop the kidneys.


Testicular cancer - Risk Factors - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Staging - Treatment - Prognosis | Medindia

Testicular cancer - Risk Factors - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Staging - Treatment - Prognosis | Medindia

 A person with testicular cancer may have a testicle that is three times its original size. The most cited risk factor is undescended testes.


Salivary Gland Cancer-Causes-Types-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-FAQs | Medindia

Salivary Gland Cancer-Causes-Types-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-FAQs | Medindia

 Most salivary gland tumors are benign and occur in parotid gland. The most common sign of a salivary gland tumor is a painless  mass.


Weight Loss Quick Fixes - Myth or Real? | Medindia

Weight Loss Quick Fixes - Myth or Real? | Medindia

Quick fix weight loss solutions are tempting when one is desperate to shed off the extra kilos, be it for a big occasion or post a holiday.


Prostate Cancer: Treatment Options | Medindia

Prostate Cancer: Treatment Options | Medindia

 An easy to understand quick guide to the treatment options available  for prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer | Medindia

Prostate Cancer | Medindia

 Peritoneal cancers may be primary or secondary. Symptoms and signs of the cancer are vague and the diagnosis is usually late with poor treatment outcome.


Peritoneal Cancer – Types – Symptoms and Signs – Diagnosis - Treatment | Medindia

Peritoneal Cancer – Types – Symptoms and Signs – Diagnosis - Treatment | Medindia

 Peritoneal cancers may be primary or secondary. Symptoms and signs of the cancer are vague and the diagnosis is usually late with poor treatment outcome.


Caffeine Intake Must be Limited During Pregnancy | Medindia

Caffeine Intake Must be Limited During Pregnancy | Medindia

 According to a new study, maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy need not carry any increased risk for behavioral problems in children.


Pancreatic Cancer | Medindia

Pancreatic Cancer | Medindia

 Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general information about Pancreas


Liver - An Introduction | Medindia

Liver - An Introduction | Medindia

Update information about liver cancer, types, and associated risk factors. The symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options and latest trends in liver cancer treatment are discussed in detail


Generic Drug Albumin Human - List of Brand/ Trade Names | Medindia

Generic Drug Albumin Human - List of Brand/ Trade Names | Medindia

 Available brands for Albumin Human with manufacturers details.Click each brand one by one to view the price details.


Increased Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases in Swedish Women on Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diet: Study | Medindia

Increased Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases in Swedish Women on Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diet: Study | Medindia

 Low carbohydrate, high protein diets, when consumed regularly, without taking into account the nature of carbohydrates or the source of proteins, can be linked to increased risk of heart disease.


Aceclofenac (Acebel-P) Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Aceclofenac (Acebel-P) Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Aceclofenac generic is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), prescribed for fever, pain and arthritis.


Alba 20% - (Albumin Human) Price Details | Medindia

Alba 20% - (Albumin Human) Price Details | Medindia

  price details of Alba 20% brand with its unit, available form, Qty,Etc.


Sunday, 22 July 2012

Lung Cancer | Medindia

Lung Cancer | Medindia

 Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general information about Lung Cancer


Oral Cancer | Medindia

Oral Cancer | Medindia

 Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general information about Oral Cancer


Chemotherapy | Medindia

Chemotherapy | Medindia

View list of generic drugs that are classified under Chemotherapy. Find related prescribing information and price details for each drug listed under it


Tableau de diabète de grossesse ou diabète gestationnel | Medindia

Tableau de diabète de grossesse ou diabète gestationnel | Medindia

http://fr.medindia.net/patients/calculators/pregnancy-diabetes-chart.asp# Le diabète gestationnel est une maladie qui affecte près de 4% des femmes enceintes. Le diagnostic de diabète gestationnel est fait avec l'aide d'un «test de tolérance au glucose oral» standardisé

Calculatrice de la date dechéance du don de sang | Medindia

Calculatrice de la date dechéance du don de sang | Medindia

http://fr.medindia.net/patients/calculators/blood-donation-date-calculator.asp#Des valeurs de glycémie normales attendues à jeun, postprandiale et après test de tolérance au glucose (TTG) pour une personne normale, dans le diabète précoce et dans le diabète établi.

Tableau de glycémie | Medindia

Tableau de glycémie | Medindia

http://fr.medindia.net/patients/calculators/bloodsugar_chart.asp# Des valeurs de glycémie normales attendues à jeun, postprandiale et après test de tolérance au glucose (TTG) pour une personne normale, dans le diabète précoce et dans le diabète établi.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

L’horloge de la mort mondiale par cancer | Medindia

L’horloge de la mort mondiale par cancer | Medindia

 L’horloge de la mort mondiale par cancer est une calculatrice dynamique qui met à jour constamment le nombre de personnes qui meurent dans le monde à cause de divers types de cancers.


Horloge de la population mondiale | Medindia

Horloge de la population mondiale | Medindia

 L'horloge de la population mondiale calcule dynamiquement la population du monde à tout moment. Cette horloge en ligne peut également être téléchargé gratuitement à partir de notre site Web.


Horloge de la population indienne | Medindia

Horloge de la population indienne | Medindia

http://fr.medindia.net/patients/calculators/pop_clock.asp# L'horloge de la population de Medindia est un outil dynamique qui prédit la population de l'Inde en ce moment de temps. Elle est constamment mise à jour basée sur les taux de la naissance et de mortalité du pays

Convertisseur de Système métrique | Medindia

Convertisseur de Système métrique | Medindia

 Voulez-vous convertir votre température corporelle de Fahrenheit en Celsius ou de Celsius à Fahrenheit? Utilisez cette calculatrice en ligne


Calculatrice de conversion de température | Medindia

Calculatrice de conversion de température | Medindia

Voulez-vous convertir votre température corporelle de Fahrenheit en Celsius ou de Celsius à Fahrenheit? Utilisez cette calculatrice en ligne


Calculatrice de conversion de volume | Medindia

Calculatrice de conversion de volume | Medindia

http://fr.medindia.net/patients/calculators/volume-conversion-calculator.asp Les Gallons, les litres et les pintes sont un de trop pour l'homme ordinaire. Utilisez cette calculatrice d’unité intelligente pour le volume et découvrez comment une unité peut être convertie en une autre

Calculatrice de conversion Poids - Poids Graphique | Medindia

Calculatrice de conversion Poids - Poids Graphique | Medindia

 Avez-vous besoin de convertir des livres en kilogrammes ou en kilogrammes de pierres? Utilisez ce calculateur en ligne pour vous faire gagner du temps.


Calculatrices de santé pour le poids du bébé, la pression artérielle, la glycémie, taille-poids, horloge de la mort et plus encore | Medindia

Calculatrices de santé pour le poids du bébé, la pression artérielle, la glycémie, taille-poids, horloge de la mort et plus encore | Medindia

 Les Calculatrices de santé et des utilitaires de Medindia fournissent des réponses immédiates à des problèmes de santé complexes.Les évaluations gratuites de la santé en ligne vous donne une alerte rapide de problèmes de santé et éclaircissesent tous vos doutes.


Cervical Cancer - Overview | Medindia

Cervical Cancer - Overview | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/cervicalcancer.htmCervical cancer is a slowly progressing disease, which affects the lining of the mouth of the uterus, known as cervix 

Cancer of Larynx (Throat Cancer)-Risk Factors-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment | Medindia

Cancer of Larynx (Throat Cancer)-Risk Factors-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment | Medindia

 Laryngeal cancer is also called cancer of the larynx or throat cancer or laryngeal carcinoma. It usually affects men over the age of 55 years.


Women and Cancer | Medindia

Women and Cancer | Medindia

Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general information about women and cancer


Smoking And Cancer - Contents of Cigarette | Medindia

Smoking And Cancer - Contents of Cigarette | Medindia

There are about 4000 chemical agents in cigarette smoke such as carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, cyanide, benzene, methanol, ammonia, lead etc .,


AIDS/HIV Related Cancer - Kaposi’s sarcoma - Lymphoma | Medindia

AIDS/HIV Related Cancer - Kaposi’s sarcoma - Lymphoma | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/aids-hiv-cancer.htmAIDS defining malignancies are cancers that occur in patients with AIDS due to their low immunity.

Depression and Sickness Behavior: Two Different Consequences of Inflammation | Medindia

Depression and Sickness Behavior: Two Different Consequences of Inflammation | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/news/lifestyleandwellness/depression-and-sickness-behavior-two-different-consequences-of-inflammation-104409-1.htmDepression defined as “a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and physical well-being.”

Accelerated Approval for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer | Medindia

Accelerated Approval for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/news/healthinfocus/accelerated-approval-for-neoadjuvant-chemotherapy-in-breast-cancer-104403-1.htm FDA has suggested that newer chemotherapy drugs should be approved faster so as to be used in neoadjuvant therapy of breast cancer.

Can You Cope with Your Children’s Tantrums? | Medindia

Can You Cope with Your Children’s Tantrums? | Medindia

It is natural for children to throw tantrums, but how parents react to such situations makes all the difference in the life of a family.


Friday, 20 July 2012

Natural Remedies for Cholesterol – How Effective Are They? | Medindia

Natural Remedies for Cholesterol – How Effective Are They? | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/lifestyleandwellness/natural-remedies-for-cholesterol.htmCertain natural remedies are effective in controlling high cholesterol, when aided by lifestyle changes. 

Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure / Hypertension | Medindia

Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure / Hypertension | Medindia

Garlic is a miracle herb that has been held in high esteem for over 6000 years and it is a cure for High Blood Pressure.


Campylobacteriosis | Medindia

Campylobacteriosis | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/waterborne/campylobacteriosis.htmCampylobacteriosis is caused  by a bacterium Campylobacter jejuni and it causes 5%-14% of all diarrheas that occur  In the world.

Calcium and Vitamin Supplements - Why the Supplements | Medindia

Calcium and Vitamin Supplements - Why the Supplements | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/Calcium-Vitamin.htmCalcium and vitamin supplements are taken to provide the body with the ''required'' nutrients and each supplement claims its superiority in the market. So choosing the right supplement becomes a challenge.

Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis - Introduction | Medindia

Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis - Introduction | Medindia

 Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis is a disease of unknown cause, where bizarre thickening of the cortical bones of infants is the prime finding


Diabetic Retinopathy - Causes - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment - Prevention - FAQs | Medindia

Diabetic Retinopathy - Causes - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment - Prevention - FAQs | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/general-info-about-diabetic-retinopathy.htmThe term ‘diabetic retinopathy’ refers to changes in the retina which often occur in people with diabetes.

Caffeine and Decaffeination - Facts - Negative Effects - Reference | Medindia

Caffeine and Decaffeination - Facts - Negative Effects - Reference | Medindia

http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/caffeine-decaffeination.htmCaffeine is a psychoactive stimulant alkaloid commonly found in many of the products we consume daily. Excess intake of caffeine can lead to symptoms similar to substance addiction.